Monday, July 19, 2010

Still unable to determine what parameters mean

So in attempting to write code to randomly draw out the parameters, I have to know what each parameter is. I am still unable to decide what gamma and dvdt mean in the output of rv_fit_mp and also clueless as to the identity of cmvel and om are for rv_drive. I'm guessing om means omega though.

Still searching through literature to get good distribution functions to use.
Once I get these problems finished though, it should all come together smoothly.


  1. dvdt is a velocity trend parameter. For HD167042b this takes on a value of 2 m/s /yr. (Bowler et al 2010)
    I guess it is some overall acceleration of the system, perhaps due to a companion.

  2. I think cmvel would make sense as center of mass velocity. Right now I'm just going to set that to zero, but later I may think of adding in some random velocity offset. I'll have to think about that. Would it make it any more difficult to find a planet if there is a random velocity offset?

  3. gamma is also systemic velocity offset
